Our essentials
Be inspired !
Fill your lungs with oxygen
Criss-cross the 14 waymarked hiking trails that wind between forests, alpine pastures, and peaks.
Play golf facing the mountains
At 1,100 metres altitude, the 9-hole course of the Golf du Bois Chenu, offers an exceptional playing ground at the foot of Pra Loup.
Cool down
Go up higher in altitude and enjoy a day at Lake Costebelle. Picnic, fishing, hiking... it's up to you to choose how to fill your day !
Relive the legend
One of the finest chapters in the Tour de France's history was written in the resort in 1975. Ride in the tracks of Bernard Thévenet and attempt the feat of cycling the climb to Pra Loup.
Take off
From the crest of Péguieou get ready for an unforgettable flyover of the Ubaye Serre-Ponçon Valley.
Tobogganing all year round
Sit in this two-seater toboggan and rediscover your inner child. A thrilling descent awaits you !
Surpass yourself on trail itineraries
In an unspoilt environment, these trails offer fantastic views of the Ubaye Serre-Ponçon Valley.
Look up and discover the secrets of the Milky Way during an astronomy evening under the starry sky of the Ubaye Valley.
Sit on a terrace in altitude in the sun for a drink or lunch and admire the view of the peaks and the Ubaye Valley.